Electromagnetic Radiation: What can we do?

We now live in a digitally connected grid. While this brings many benefits such as incredibly fast radio, phone, and internet signals anywhere in the world; this also comes with some notable health concerns for both humans and all living creatures in our living world.

It is said that the greatest threats to our pollinators are pesticides and these man-made electromagnetic frequencies. Much of life in the natural world engages with and reacts to various frequencies. By broadcasting massive amounts of frequencies to the entire planet, we are causing them an immense amount of stress and causing malfunctions in the patterns they have been practicing for centuries.

These frequencies are also affecting us humans. We are part of nature too, after all.

From the Pubmed article from the National Library of Medicine:

“It is well known that weak EMF could cause all sorts of dramatic non-thermal effects in body cells, tissues and organs.”

The article continues on to share that this concern is nothing new.

“On May 31, 2011--International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)--Agenda of World Health Organization (WHO) has classified radio electromagnetic fields, to a category 2B as potentially carcinogenic. Electromagnetic fields can be dangerous not only because of the risk of cancer, but also other health problems, including electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a phenomenon characterized by the appearance of symptoms after exposure of people to electromagnetic fields, generated by EHS is characterized as a syndrome with a broad spectrum of non-specific multiple organ symptoms including both acute and chronic inflammatory processes located mainly in the skin and nervous systems, as well as in respiratory, cardiovascular systems, and musculoskeletal system.”

It is important to recognize that we must be mindful with the exponential rise of technology. How can we reduce our exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR)?

·         Avoid using Bluetooth technology

·         Unplug your Wi-Fi when not in use

·         Keep your phone off your body

·         Keep phone on airplane mode when not in use

·         Add more plants to your home

·         Get outside and walk barefoot

·         Utilize EMR protection technology


I always suggest starting with what is free and easiest. To really ensure optimal protection, utilize these EMR protection tools.

My favorite company I have found for EMR protections is Aires Tech.

They offer a vast array of scientifically backed products proven to reduce the harmful effects of these frequencies on our bodies. Essentially, they are transmuting these incoherent frequencies into a frequency that our body is able to deal with more effectively. (See their site for various studies and in-depth scientific explanations.)

From my personal experience, I have found that having the Aires Tech nearby allows me to better combat stress and remain in a parasympathetic state, even when exposed to EMR.

Personally, I am fairly sensitive to these frequencies and sleep noticeably better when my Wi-Fi is turned off at night and I utilize the practices shared above.

I have been so impressed by the work that they are doing at Aires Tech that I inquired about receiving a discount code for you so that we can continue to mitigate these frequencies together. To save 25% off your Aires Tech on top of any other sales, you can use the code “wholehealth25” at checkout.

Here’s to a healthier, less stressful life!


Electromagnetic field induced biological effects in humans - PubMed (nih.gov)


Rob Carney