Top 10 Daily Practices
"Little by little, a little becomes a lot."
Matara, Sri Lanka
It is the little things done day in and day out, that create something big
“Repetition is the mother of skill.”
Over the years, I have tried a number of different daily rituals... but only a select few stuck.
I would invite you to always continue to try infinite practices with which people have found success. Here is what I have found to be the most helpful to me over the years:
1) Sleep - Seems obvious, but anyone who knows me knows that sleep is a VERY high priority. I always aim for at least 8-9 hours and commit to that.
2) Exercise - No matter what, I must do some sort of exercise everyday to keep my sanity and productivity. Whether its weight lifting, swimming, climbing, stairs, yoga, or even just a light walk. This is priority number two, only behind sleep.
3) Stretching - With exercise as a high priority, so must be the recovery and mobility. Every time I've been injured has been due to a lack of stretching and body care after exercise. This is a high priority that I do before bed as it helps me fall asleep quickly.
4) Nutrition - On the same level of importance of sleep & exercise is, in my opinion, nutrition. If you want to function at your highest level, you have to be putting high quality fuel into your body. As the saying goes, "You are what you eat!" Do not overlook this. There are so many nutrients that our body needs on a regularly basis. One of the most forgotten factors is some good old fashion H₂O... yes WATER. If you are not drinking water to the point where you have to pee every 60-90 minutes, you are (in my opinion) not drinking enough water. No soda doesn't count... neither does coffee... or sugary drinks...or alcohol. Pure, filtered water.
Take care of yourself, you deserve it. You wouldn't put dirty fuel into your brand new Lamborghini or BMW. Treat your body the same. It is your vehicle.
If you have trouble planning healthy meals to fuel your body, try our organic superfoods here:
5) Passion, Purpose, Creation- This is something that is invaluable. I believe that the majority of humanity has lost sight of having a purpose. I believe that we all have a gift which can improve the quality of life on this planet for ourselves and others. I believe it is our responsibility to find what that passion and take action, whether that is full time or after hours. This puts the rest of our lives in perspective and makes us whole.
6) Breathing - Taking the time to consciously breath is one of the most helpful time of my day. Every time I think about it, I take a few deep breaths, completely filling my belly on the inhale, and fully emptying on the exhale. Not only is this good for stress relief, but it gives us the opportunity to check in with ourselves and step back from the chaos around us.
7) Reflection - On the topic of checking in with ourselves, I have found tremendous value in taking the time to reflect on my thoughts and experiences. Whether it be journaling, talking to myself aloud, or simply laying down and thinking, this has been extremely helpful.. especially during the rough patches. I would HIGHLY recommend everyone grab a journal and write down your thoughts and concerns as often as possible. Sometimes all it takes is seeing things written on paper (or device screen) to realize that we have absolutely been overthinking or overreacting to something miniscule.
How often do you take the time to really sit with yourself and check in?
Do you know what your priorities are?
What do you truly love doing?
What are your goals?
What can I do everyday to reach my goals?
I invite you to ask yourself these questions and more, as often as possible.
8) Gratitude - Taking the time to recognize what you are grateful for is invaluable. It is easy to get caught up in comparisons and looking at what we don't have. Taking the time to recognize the good things in life and what we do have is powerful.
You can train your mind to see the abundance of what you do have rather than what you lack. It just takes practice and patience. The power of the mind is no joke.. use it to your advantage.
9) Meditation - Now meditation can involve a number of those listed above. There are many forms of meditation, both active and passive. There are plenty of classes to attend and videos to watch online (check Whole Health Connections on YouTube or ask Rob about classes he's teaching locally). I believe this is one of the most powerful tools for reshaping your brain to view things in a positive and relaxed way. It is one of the most powerful tools in my arsenal. After years of consistency meditation, even when I am not actively meditating, I am able to enter that mental state in a moment's notice. When the outside becomes chaos raining down around us, we have a safe haven to which we can rejuvenate. Meditation has allowed me to be more relaxed in stressful situations, less reactive, happier, more appreciative, and much much more. It is a mental lifestyle.
10) Reading- This is something I do not always get to everyday as much as I wish I did. Life happens, and sleep / exercise are always put before reading. I do strongly believe that as much downtime as possible should be committed to learning more and constantly improving. I try to read as much as possible, even if just 5 minutes per day.
Interested in a personalized experience to optimize your daily routine and increase overall health and vitality? Learn more about working with Rob in his Holistic Lifestyle Coaching program: