You are what you eat
Organic, heirloom rice in Sri Lanka
People always say that "you are what you eat." But what does that even mean?
Think of it this way, your food is the fuel for every one of your cells. The strength and vitality of your cells depends on the quality of the fuel you put in your body.
If you were to get a brand new sports car, would you put in cheap, low quality fuel? Absolutely not. You would likely put in high quality, premium fuel.
It is becoming more important than ever to be conscious of what type of food we put in our bodies. Believe it or not, before the 1940s, there was no such thing as special Organic or non-GMO foods. That's ALL there was. That was the only option.
Since the Green Revolution, the majority of our foods have been sprayed with poisons or manipulated to be "efficient" for mass production.
If you think about it, how is it that we believe that using pesticides that kill other living species such as insects, rodents, and "weeds" could have no effect on our own health?
The truth is, it DOES affect our health. It is just on a much smaller, micro-level that does not result in immediate death. To humans, it is a much slower process which destroys our cells over time. Our bodies are in a constant state of overdrive trying to remove toxins that are disguised as food. The result? A very sick, obese population.
The problem with mass production? We have drained our soil, and in-turn, our food of essential nutrients. In order to repair the damage we have done to our food system, we must restore the soil health. This includes letting the critters and "weeds" to do their part.
There are many so called "weeds" that actually work symbiotically with the crops we are trying to grow as to best balance nutrient balance in the soil.
Fun fact: the common "weed" Dandelion actually has many medicinal benefits to humans.
What you can do (for our human and planet health)
1) Buy from local Farmers. This is the best way to get fresh food that does not require planes, trains, and automobiles to reach you. Not only that, but you are supporting your local economy rather than big corporations whose only concern is mass production, not quality.
2) Buy organic when possible.
Note: not all organic certifications are the same. Some of these huge factory farms have actually created their own organic certifications that require nothing more than payment for the seal. Look for USDA certified organic.
3) Grow your own food! Planting a garden is not only a VERY cost effective way to grow healthy food, but it can also be very rewarding. Remember, make sure you are getting high quality, organic soil, seeds, and plants.
4) Educate yourself! Read labels for all "foods" that you are putting in your body.
Avoid highly processed foods and sugar. Companies have found very sneaky names for sugar. To name a few:
· Sugar
· Sucrose
· High-fructose corn syrup
· Corn syrup
· Dextrose
· Fructose
· Galactose
5) Remember! YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Prioritize your food as if your life and the health of our planet depends on it, because it does ;)
Does your nutrition need a little boost? Try some of our Organic, Nutrient packed products from our partners.
Organic farming - Morawaka, Sri Lanka